so long never blog alr
on night shift this week,
i have been hoping for my night shift to come
thinking that it could be great
but i was wrong.
to me my night shift was horrible
i've got sorethroat just after my first night.
on tues after my sleep the flu bug came and attacked me
so the whole second night i kept blowing my nose.
and the worst thing was that cough also came as well
on the second night.
so i went to see the dr
thinking that the third night could be better
but its worst
i kept coughing the whole night
felt that i may died of coughing
but anyway now it got better.
And thanks girls for coming yesterday
i nv thought that almost all of u would come
hope u all really enjoy the food yesterday
i had a great time last night.
thanks for the present also haha
and my cousin also enjoy going out wif all of u
she said that to go out wif u all again some other day.......
so let's meet out someday and eat or go shopping together